Saturday, February 6, 2010

You CAN have too much chocolate!

So I was super excited to try a new hot chocolate recipe from Real Simple. I only called for two ingredients: coconut milk and chocolate. I thought I had the recipe down. I mean, how hard can it be? Two ingredients. So I poured the milk into a pot and started heating it. Then I added the chocolate. As I was stirring it seemed a little thick (like fondue). So I called in to the other room and asked my husband how much chocolate I was supposed to add. "One ounce." he said. Okay, well I thought it said one pound. BIG difference! Fortunately I only added 11.5 ounces. Not that it made much of a difference than adding 16 but oh well. I tried adding more regular milk. It didn't work. I think I'll try putting some of it in my coffee tomorrow and see how that tastes. You can probably tell by looking at it that it isn't quite right.

1 comment:

  1. It made for a good mousse after sitting in the refrigerator all night, though. Mmmmm.
